An effective problem solver becomes a part of Blue Finance’s growth story

Blue Finance offers fascinating jobs for a variety of IT professionals. In a company where customers are paramount, employees are challenged and truly get to develop their professional skills.

Mikko Maijanen has worked in finance for eight years. At the beginning of his career, Mikko handled credits in customer service and was then promoted to customer service management. He subsequently worked in several roles within IT. At Blue Finance, Mikko Maijanen started to work as Global IT Support Manager in the spring of 2021.

– This role was familiar because of my earlier experience but Blue Finance was a lucrative opportunity for me due to the startup mentality and huge prospects for growth. I absolutely wanted to be a part of a fantastic story. Here, I also get to develop and have an influence on things more than before, Mikko explains.

At Blue Finance, Mikko works on the front lines. Most support tasks find their way first to him and one by one customers’ concerns are resolved. Issues are often small and simple.

– It fits my character and I get satisfaction from solving one problem at a time.

Mikko’s team of four are responsible for support requests that come from the entire Blue Finance Group. Therefore, support requests come from Denmark, Spain, and Poland, in addition to Finland. Being a small agile team of four allows tasks to be handled efficiently.

– Our work flows smoothly because we have good, constant communication. The goal is to always learn from our mistakes.


Success drives us forward

Mikko has always enjoyed working with customers and working at Blue Finance has proven to be just what he expected.

– At Blue Finance the atmosphere is invigorating and inspiring. Here one can really see that every team and employee has the will and vigour to move forward. Furthermore, I love that my tasks vary a lot and that I get to work on different things and businesses. Success is daily.

Although his work does sometimes come home with him, Mikko has become used to it. It fits his character because he tends not to stress and he thoroughly enjoys his work.


The startup mentality has not faded with growth

Even though Blue Finance has grown quickly, Mikko thinks that the typical startup mentality of a small company has remained. For example, at the start of his new job, Mikko did not receive a cold reception, which can be the case in a corporate setting, but he felt warmly welcomed from day one.

Mikko sees a bright future at Blue Finance. According to Mikko, this company from Turku has unlimited potential and he believes that growth will continue and goals will be surpassed.

– I can recommend Blue Finance as an employer for anyone who wants to be a part of a dynamic group that is ready to move forward and be successful.

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